Posts by Seth

1120 of 32 items

Psalm 116

by Seth

This psalm can be sung to the tune of “Lincoln & Liberty, Too” from Ken Burns album, “Songs of the Civil War” and to the familiar Seder tune, “Adir Hu.” Ahavti ki yisha Adonai et koli takhanunai Ki hi-ta oz-no li u-ve-ya-mai ek-ra. A-fa-fu-ni khev-lei ma-vet u-me-tsa-rei she-ol me-tsa-u-ni. Tsa-ra ve-ya-gon em-tsa u-ve-shem Adonai ek-ra. […]

Psalm 117

by Seth

This psalm can be sung to the traditional tune. Ha-le-lu et Adonai kol goy-im Shab-khku-hu kol ha-um-im Ki ga-var a-lei-nu khas-do Ve-e-met Adonai le-o-lam Ha-le-lu-Yah

Psalm 118, verses 1–4

by Seth

This psalm can be sung to the traditional tune. Ho-du la-Adonai ki tov — ki le-o-lam khas-do. Yo-mar na Yisrael — ki le-o-lam khas-do. Yom-ru na beit Aharon — ki le-o-lam khas-do. Yom-ru na yir-ei Adonai — ki le-o-lam khas-do.

Psalm 118, verses 5–20

by Seth

This psalm can be sung to the hauntingly beautiful tune Southern Soldier Boy from the Ken Burns album, Songs of the Civil War. Min ha-mei-tsar ka-ra-ti ya, a-na-ni va-mer-khav ya Adonai li, lo i-ra – ma ya-a-se le a-dam? Adonai li be-oz-rai va-a-ni er-eh be-so-nai Tov la-kha-sot ba-do-nai mibe-to-akh ba-a-dam Tov la-kha-sot ba-do-nai mib-to-akh bin-di-vim […]

Psalm 118, verses 21–24

by Seth

This psalm can be sung to the traditional synagogue tune. O-de-kha ki a-ni-ta-ni va-te-hi li li-shu-a E-ven ma-a-su ha-bonim hai-ta le-rosh pinah Me-et Adonai hai-ta zot, he nif-lah be-ei-nei-nu

Psalm 118, verses 25–29

by Seth

This psalm can be sung to the traditional synagogue tune. A-na Adonai ho-shi-a na A-na Adonai ho-shi-a na A-na Adonai hatz-li-kha na A-na Adonai hatz-li-kha na Ba-rukh ha-ba be-shem Adonai Be-rakh-nu-khem mi-beit Adonai Ba-rukh ha-ba be-shem Adonai Be-rakh-nu-khem mi-beit Adonai

Psalm 136

by Seth

This song can be sung to the tune, “Let my people go!” with the words “Ki le’olam khasdo” serving as the chorus, “Let my people go!” Ho-du la-do-nai ki tov Hodu l’Elohei ha’elohim Hodu l’Adonei ha’adonim Le’ose nifla’ot gedolot levado Le’ose hashamayim bitvuna Leroka ha’aretz al hamayim Le’ose orim gedolim Et hashemesh le-mem-shelet bayom Et […]

Page 5 — Kiddush and Havdalah

by Seth

Kiddush [Vayhi erev, vayhi boker, yom shishi.  Vaykhulu hashamayim veha’aretz vekhol tzeva’am.  Vayekhal Elohim bayom hashevi’i melakhto asher asa.  Vayishbot bayom hashevi’i mikol melakhto asher asa.  Vayevareikh Elohim et yom hashevi’i vayekadeish oto, ki vo shavat mikol melakhto asher bara Elohim la’asot.] Savri maranan verabanan verabotai: Barukh ata Adonai, Eloheinu melekh ha’olam, borei pri haggafen. […]

Page 7 — The Four Questions

by Seth

Ma nishtana halayla hazeh mikol haleilot? Shebekhol haleilot anu okhelin khameitz umatza; halayla hazeh, kulo matza. Shebekhol haleilot anu okhelin she’ar yerakot; halayla hazeh, maror. Shebekhol haleilot ein anu matbilin afilu pa’am akhat; halayla hazeh, shetei fe’amim. Shebekhol haleilot anu okhelin bein yoshevin uvein mesubin; halayla hazeh, kulanu mesubin.

Page 22 — It Is This Promise…

by Seth

Vehi she’ameda la’avoteinu velanu, shelo ekhad bilevad amad aleinu lekhaloteinu, ela shebekhol dor vador omedim aleinu lekhaloteinu, vehakadosh barukh hu, matzileinu miyadam