Posts by Seth

2130 of 32 items

Page 39 — Ha Lakhma Anya

by Seth

Ha Lakhma Anya di akhalu avhatana be’ar’a demitzrayim.  Kol dikhfin yeitei veyeikhul.  Kol ditzrikh yeitei veyifsakh.  Hashata hakha.  Lashana haba’a be’ar’a deyisra’el.  hashata avdei.  Lashana haba’a benei khorin.

Page 51 — Song of the Marsh

by Seth

Ashira l’Adonai ki ga’o ga’a – sus verokhevo rama vayam. Ozi vezimrat Yah – vayhi li lishu’a. Zeh Eili ve’anveihu – Elohei avi, va’aromemenhu. Adonai ish milkhama – Adonai shemo. Markevot Par’o vekheilo yara vayam – umivkhar shalishav tobe’u veyam suf. Tehomot yekhsehumo – yaredo vimetzolot kemo aven. Yeminekha, Adonai ne’dari bekhoakh – yeminekha, Adonai, […]

Page 53 — Dayyeinu (abbreviated)!

by Seth

Ilu hotzi-hotzi’anu, hotzi’anu miMitzrayim, hotzi’anu miMitzrayim – Dayyeinu! Ilu asa asa bahem, asa bahem shefatim, asa bahem shefatim – Dayyeinu! Ilu natan natan lanu, natan lanu et haShabbat, natan lanu et haShabbat – Dayyeinu! Ilu natan natan lanu, natan lanu et haTorah, natan lanu et ha Torah – dayyeinu!

Page 54 — Songs of Praise

by Seth

Psalm 113 Halelu avdei Adonai – halelu et sheim Adonai Yehi sheim Adonai mevorakh – me’ata ve’ad olam. Mimizrakh shemesh ad mevo’o – mehulal sheim Adonai. Ram al kol goyim Adonai – al hashamayim kevodo. Me k’Adonai Eloheinu – hamagbihi lashavet Hamashpili lir’ot – bashamayim uva’aretz. Mekimi me’afar dal – mei-ashpot yarim evyon Lehoshivi im […]

pages 58, 59 — Continuation of Grace After Meals

by Seth

Nodeh lekha Adonai Eloheinu al shehinhalta la’avoteinu eretz khemda tova urekhava, ve’al shehotzeitanu Adonai Eloheinu mei’eretz Mitzrayim, ufeditanu mibeit Avadim, ve’al beritkha shekhatamta bivesareinu, ve’al toratekha shelimadetanu, ve’al khukekha shehodatanu, ve’al khayim, khen, vakhesed shekhonantanu, ve’al akhilat mazon she’ata zan umefarneis otanu tamid, bekhol yom, uvekhol eit, uvekhol sha’a. Ve’al hakol, Adonai Eloheinu, anakhnu modim […]

Page 73 — Ekhad Me Yodea?

by Seth

Ekhad mi yodeia?  Ekhad ani yodeia.  Ekhad Eloheinu shebashamayim uva’aretz. Shenayim mi yodeia?  Shenayim ani yodeia.  Shenei lukhot haberit.  Ekhad Eloheinu shebashamayim uva’aretz. Shelosha mi yodeia?  Shelosha ani yodeia.  Shelosha avot.  Shenei lukhot haberit.  Ekhad Eloheinu shebashamayim uva’aretz. Arba mi yodeia?  Arba ani yodeia.  Arba imahot. Shelosha avot.  Shenei lukhot haberit.  Ekhad Eloheinu shebashamayim uva’aretz. […]

Introductory Prayers

by Seth

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There He Became a Nation

by Seth

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Cattle Disease and Boils

by Seth

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